So we are approximately 7 hours into our family vacation and I am taking a driver’s break. The kids are currently watching the Mirror, Mirror DVD and my incredible excess of masculinity precludes me from watching any princess-related movies (Honest Translation: my seat does not recline enough to allow me to watch the screen). I figured this was as good a time as any to inform you, my loyal reader, how the trip has gone up to this point. Please ...
I know it has been a while since my last post and for that I apologize. However, the last three months have been pretty busy and I have had very little downtime. This has been in large part a result of my commitment to completing the P90X workout program. In fact, it has consumed so much of my free time I have barely had enough time to finish season 6 of Dexter, watch The Reluctant Hero - Don Knott’s quartet of movies, and still fit in my ...
I absolutely love monsoon season. It’s my favorite time of year and the yearly storms actually almost make one forget that it is approximately 115 degrees outside. Unfortunately I had missed most of the good storms this year (partially my fault as we did travel to San Diego for a week during prime monsoon season). Our experience yesterday more than made up for it however. After dropping off the older kids at summer camp, Karina, Alyson and ...
My intent to blog each day of my exercise journey hasn’t turned out as practical as I would have liked. I had originally planned to post another recap after Day 3 of my exercise journey. However, I am nearly a week late for reasons you will soon see. Day 2 I woke up on Day 2 of my exercise adventure paralyzed with soreness. I figured I would be able to get through the day though as long as I didn’t need to use the lower two-thirds of ...
It seems that a lot of people recently have been blogging about their personal fitness progress. I think this is a fantastic idea as it adds accountability from all of your friends and also gives one the opportunity to brag about successes. I like the idea so much that I’ve decided to (periodically) do the same thing. At this point you may be asking yourself why in the world I would feel the need to embark on a fitness journey. After all, ...
I’ve taken a break from blogging recently mainly because I haven’t found anything of note that I’ve been passionate about. That is until tonight. You see, I found a certain movie entitled Bigfoot. We decided to have a family night tonight and watch a film we all could enjoy. Being financially sensible, we limited our choices to the free movies available to us on Amazon due to our Prime membership. You may ask yourself what kind of ...
There are few things that scream “80’s” like roller skating does. Notable exceptions being neon leg warmers and excitable weatherman Chuck George in early spring. Karina and I both spent a good portion of our formative years in the 80’s roller skating so, like most normal parents, we decided our kids youth should be spent in the exact same manner as ours. So, after watching a few episodes of the Smurfs, we headed out to Skate Country in ...
Nothing makes a father’s heart prouder than to hear what my son Ashton came home from school asking last week. His teacher told him about the book fair being held this past weekend and he wanted to know if we could go. At first I thought, “what a ridiculous idea.” A fair for books? They aren’t even sentient beings? How in the world could they enjoy fair staples like overpriced, under-safe rides and deep-fried candy bars? Ashton then ...
It took quite a bit of courage to initially admit to you that I occasionally peruse celebrity gossip magazines (see previous posts). I can’t quite place my finger on their appeal but I think it has something to do with seeing famous people doing ordinary things (John Hamm buys toilet paper?! I do that too!!!). When stuck in a waiting room I’ll read any magazine, but generally the two I’ve been know to read (ie. Look at pictures and ...
I want to first start out by thanking everyone who supported MyChurch’s missions trip to downtown Los Angeles through prayer or any other means. I truly feel the trip was a big success as it went safely, our group members each took something away from the trip, and we had a very positive impact while we were there. Due to a few recent instances of folks coming across my references to them in my blogs, I had originally planned to switch ...