Earlier this year, after much prayer and deliberation with my wife Karina, I made a pretty significant life change: I decided to start using a “shampoo + conditioner in one” product. As my silky locks now attest, this was a decision long overdue. Oh, also I decided to leave my awesome, stable job with Raytheon to work at home with my wife. This was a decision we did not take lightly. In addition to prayer and deliberation, we also spoke ...
The life of a fisherman
As many of you know, I am your typical outdoorsy hunting and fishing kind of guy. Except I prefer to do my outdoorsy stuff in a nice polo with perfectly coiffed hair. Also, when I say “hunting” I mean it in less of the “hunting to kill and eat animals sense” as I mean it in the “hunting for great bargains on quality goods and apparel”. So it should come as no surprise that I decided to go offshore fishing with some folks from ...
I think we can all agree that our culture is in a precipitous decline (with the obvious notable exception of Conan O’ Brien…he is AWESOME). Reality shows about egotistical, over tanned, pompous northeasterners rule the airwaves (take your pick between the Apprentice and Jersey Shore) and stuff like this passes for “art”: as does this: (For those of you less than thirty-five, that picture is of Art Garfunkel who is famous ...
Anyone who knows me will recognize I really only have two flaws: poor eyesight and an inability to recognize flaws in myself. While I have made no attempts to correct thelatter, I have addressed the former with years of using glasses and contact lenses. My vision was bad enough to prevent me from doing things like driving, playing sports, or navigating my bedroom barefoot without the aid of corrective lenses. For those of you with excellent ...
As of the last month or so Karina and I have been having some conversations about initiating a rite of passage for our kiddos. And I am not talking about the rite involving body hair springing up in new places or even the rite of having the kids move on from being the correct age to enjoy restaurant kids meals to having them just pretend to be the right age (for the record, I do not partake in the latter ritual). I am talking about passing along ...
I've recently joined the 21st century by purchasing a sweet electronic device. And I am not talking about an electric can opener. No, I got a "smart phone" as the young whippersnappers say nowadays. The iPhone 4 to be exact. This sweet little device has completely transformed my life*. (*by "my life" I mean the way I place and receive phone calls and periodically check email) Despite the many benefits of owning an iPhone, I was initially ...
After thousands* of requests for me to post my third and final installment of our Vegas trip I have made time to do so. (*I am rounding up slightly from zero) While it may have taken me about a month to post my day three synopsis, chronologically it occurred immediately after day two on our trip which has been synopsized previously. After a second restful night of sleep, Karina and I awoke, packed, and headed out to find some breakfast. We ...
The next morning Karina and I decided to start our day with one of our Vegas traditions: the Paris breakfast buffet. Years ago we heard it was fantastic and ever since we've had breakfast there at least once per trip. There are many staples of the French cuisine available: trout, salmon, eggs Benedict, etc. I was wild enough to try a crepe (it was delicious!) but kept to my old stand-bys, scrambled eggs and bacon, for the rest of the breakfast. ...
Karina and I were given an opportunity recently to take a little weekend Vegas getaway trip together. My mother graciously watched the kids for us (thanks ma!) and we flew out on a Friday afternoon. Vegas is the hotel room capital of the world so one can find lodging of any quality and price. I personally could sleep on a frozen bed of nails and am therefore quite content in your standard Motel 6. My wife however has slightly more discrimin...
While I consider myself fairly knowledgeable about pop culture (Kirstie Alley's weight is currently down and Spencer and Heidi are unfortunately separating...who saw that one coming?!) there are a few fads that I have been late to jump on: the cellular phone and Justin Bieber being two notable examples. Well, tonight marks the night that I engage myself in another fad. Yes, I am talking about the fad involving dance-y songs sung by a colorfully ...