Vegas with the Boss!!

Posted on January 6, 2014

Before I get too far into this blog I wanted to give you a heads up. I am ridiculously tired for reasons you will see in the following blog. However, I am an innovator and for that reason I am trying something a little out of the box. Rather than wasting time being unconscious by napping, I am alternating naps for each side of my brain while maintaining overall consciousness. The impact to this blog should not be noticeable at all. However, ...

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Posted on July 15, 2013

Recently an outbreak of tattoos has sprung up at church and I failed to get myself vaccinated. All of the sudden I have an appointment to get “inked” (as those of us in the tattooed community* call it) this Friday! That’s right, I have only 5 days or so to enjoy my wondrous blank canvas of a body. *shortly This is a pretty big change for me as I have gone a personal best 32 years without a tattoo up to this point. It’s not that I ...

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Monsoon Terror

Posted on July 18, 2012

I absolutely love monsoon season. It’s my favorite time of year and the yearly storms actually almost make one forget that it is approximately 115 degrees outside. Unfortunately I had missed most of the good storms this year (partially my fault as we did travel to San Diego for a week during prime monsoon season). Our experience yesterday more than made up for it however. After dropping off the older kids at summer camp, Karina, Alyson and ...

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No pain, No gain

Posted on June 27, 2012

It seems that a lot of people recently have been blogging about their personal fitness progress. I think this is a fantastic idea as it adds accountability from all of your friends and also gives one the opportunity to brag about successes. I like the idea so much that I’ve decided to (periodically) do the same thing. At this point you may be asking yourself why in the world I would feel the need to embark on a fitness journey. After all, ...

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Chicks Dig the Wheels

Posted on March 22, 2012

There are few things that scream “80’s” like roller skating does. Notable exceptions being neon leg warmers and excitable weatherman Chuck George in early spring. Karina and I both spent a good portion of our formative years in the 80’s roller skating so, like most normal parents, we decided our kids youth should be spent in the exact same manner as ours. So, after watching a few episodes of the Smurfs, we headed out to Skate Country in ...

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Los Angeles Mission Trip

Posted on February 23, 2012

I want to first start out by thanking everyone who supported MyChurch’s missions trip to downtown Los Angeles through prayer or any other means. I truly feel the trip was a big success as it went safely, our group members each took something away from the trip, and we had a very positive impact while we were there. Due to a few recent instances of folks coming across my references to them in my blogs, I had originally planned to switch ...

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New Diet

Posted on October 24, 2011

After years of eating whatever I wanted with minimal consequences (a developing attractive paunch the primary exception) I recently had a reality check. As part of my leaving Raytheon to work at home with Karina I had to go about setting up some life insurance as it would no longer be provided by Raytheon (among other preparations for working from home, such as finding the right pair of fuzzy slippers). It turns out that leaving to work at home ...

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The life of an Outlaw

Posted on August 18, 2011

As much as I know that this will pain my friends and family (especially my mom), I have something to get off of my chest: this polo! Good heavens it’s stifling in here! Going with an undershirt makes complete fashion sense, but the additional heat is a burden that almost makes it not worthwhile. Also, I have something to confess: I recently became a hardened criminal. What was my crime you ask incredulously? Armed robbery. (And you could stand ...

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What I am up to…

Posted on August 5, 2011

Earlier this year, after much prayer and deliberation with my wife Karina, I made a pretty significant life change: I decided to start using a “shampoo + conditioner in one” product. As my silky locks now attest, this was a decision long overdue. Oh, also I decided to leave my awesome, stable job with Raytheon to work at home with my wife. This was a decision we did not take lightly. In addition to prayer and deliberation, we also spoke ...

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The life of a fisherman

Posted on July 7, 2011

As many of you know, I am your typical outdoorsy hunting and fishing kind of guy.  Except I prefer to do my outdoorsy stuff in a nice polo with perfectly coiffed hair. Also, when I say “hunting” I mean it in less of the “hunting to kill and eat animals sense” as I mean it in the “hunting for great bargains on quality goods and apparel”. So it should come as no surprise that I decided to go offshore fishing with some folks from ...

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