Vegas with the Boss!!
Before I get too far into this blog I wanted to give you a heads up. I am ridiculously tired for reasons you will see in the following blog. However, I am an innovator and for that reason I am trying something a little out of the box. Rather than wasting time being unconscious by napping, I am alternating naps for each side of my brain while maintaining overall consciousness. The impact to this blog should not be noticeable at all. However, ...
I Went to Disney World!
As any casual observer of my FaceBook feed has been aware, recently our family embarked on a Disney vacation. Rather than bore you, my loyal reader (hello, anyone out there?…hello?), with a chronological recap of our 10 days of leisure, I have decided instead to provide a review of places we visited. This way you are informed as to your options should you decide to vacationate in the Floridial area. My first review will cover our lodging in ...
I’m going to Disneyland! Part 1
So we are approximately 7 hours into our family vacation and I am taking a driver’s break. The kids are currently watching the Mirror, Mirror DVD and my incredible excess of masculinity precludes me from watching any princess-related movies (Honest Translation: my seat does not recline enough to allow me to watch the screen). I figured this was as good a time as any to inform you, my loyal reader, how the trip has gone up to this point. Please ...
Los Angeles Mission Trip
I want to first start out by thanking everyone who supported MyChurch’s missions trip to downtown Los Angeles through prayer or any other means. I truly feel the trip was a big success as it went safely, our group members each took something away from the trip, and we had a very positive impact while we were there. Due to a few recent instances of folks coming across my references to them in my blogs, I had originally planned to switch ...
Hawaii Trip Part 3 (Final)
Day 4 – Hilo After leaving Maui, our ship sailed to the “Big Island”. Around the Hawaiian islands this island is called “Hawaii”, but to avoid confusion with others such as myself, it is referred to as the Big Island. We learned it is the youngest and largest of the islands and is the home of an active volcano. Our first day on the Big Island was on the eastern side in Hilo. This day happened to be Karina’s birthday so we attemp...
Hawaii Trip Part 2
Disclaimer: I realize these posts may seem petty as I am pointing out things on the trip that did not go as planned or advertised. I am sure I am not eliciting any pity from you as I was in freakin' Hawaii. However, I am not complaining, just pointing out things that were unusual. If everything went according to plan, I'd just put up a trip brochure and say" "we did that". DAY 3 - MAUI On our first, full official day of the cruise we ...
Hawaii Trip Part 1
Karina and I marked a significant milestone to us on December 29: our 10th anniversary. In order to celebrate, we decided to take a couples vacation and, thanks to our AWESOME mothers who watched our kids, we were able to! Karina had fallen in love with Hawaii when she took a trip there with her mom five years ago and that is where she desperately wanted to go. I offered the following counterpoint: “whatever”. We decided that we wanted to ...
The life of a fisherman
As many of you know, I am your typical outdoorsy hunting and fishing kind of guy. Except I prefer to do my outdoorsy stuff in a nice polo with perfectly coiffed hair. Also, when I say “hunting” I mean it in less of the “hunting to kill and eat animals sense” as I mean it in the “hunting for great bargains on quality goods and apparel”. So it should come as no surprise that I decided to go offshore fishing with some folks from ...
Vegas Getaway Part 3!
After thousands* of requests for me to post my third and final installment of our Vegas trip I have made time to do so. (*I am rounding up slightly from zero) While it may have taken me about a month to post my day three synopsis, chronologically it occurred immediately after day two on our trip which has been synopsized previously. After a second restful night of sleep, Karina and I awoke, packed, and headed out to find some breakfast. We ...
Vegas Getaway Part 2!
The next morning Karina and I decided to start our day with one of our Vegas traditions: the Paris breakfast buffet. Years ago we heard it was fantastic and ever since we've had breakfast there at least once per trip. There are many staples of the French cuisine available: trout, salmon, eggs Benedict, etc. I was wild enough to try a crepe (it was delicious!) but kept to my old stand-bys, scrambled eggs and bacon, for the rest of the breakfast. ...